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El Balcon - Colombia

El Balcon - Colombia

Regular price $19.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $19.00 USD
Sale Sold out
Producer(s): Small Holder Farms (20)
Region: Huila, Colombia

Variety: Castillo, Caturra & Colombia
Process: Washed, Double Fermentation, Sun-dried on patios
Elevation: 1600 - 1850 masl

The name for this lot derives from the balcony-like appearance of coffee farms in and around the Salado Blanco and Oporapa areas in Huila, sitting high above the Magdalena River. Twenty producers contributed harvests of Colombia, Castillo, and Caturra varieties, grown at altitudes of 1600 to 1850 masl. The fruit then undergoes a double fermentation, initially in cherry and shortly after in a tank, before being washed and dried under the strong sun, characteristic of the sub-southern region of Huila.
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